Train Ticket Booking
smarflexyrail.comstands for effortless train ticket booking. If you are travelling inside the country and want us to find the available trains with seats, we are the answer for you.
Why book tickets online?
It has been quite easy to book tickets online. You don’t always have to go to IRCTC and book your tickets. You can check the available seats and people can book tickets from the comfort of your home. smarflexyrail.comhelps you book the ticket with just one click.
Why book with smarflexyrail.com:
The first advantage is you can book the ticket from the comfort of your home and office. You don’t have to worry if the site is down as our technical team makes sure it working fine.
The next advantage is accuracy. We can tell you with more than 90% accuracy if you are going to get a confirmed seat. If you have less than 60% chance, we will eventually show you other options. All IRCTC bookings can be done from our website.
How to book a Train ticket from smarflexyrail.com?
It is quite easy to book your train ticket. First, you need to sign up with our company so that you can check your booking history in the future. You can also cancel any booking from the page itself. You don’t need an IRCTC login to book your ticket. You can fill in the passenger details in the form given, and make your choice. This is a convenient process for many frequent travellers.
Documents to carry
In general, while booking a train ticket online, you don’t need to submit any documents, unless stated otherwise. However, we will guide you on which documents you will be carrying while traveling. This makes your trip experience quite rewarding.
Fare Information
As you search for trains from one station to another, you are shown all the available options and fare chart. It becomes easier for you to assess the payment required.